[cifs-protocol] MS-SAMR missing SID name use type ?

Obaid Farooqi obaidf at microsoft.com
Wed Nov 26 16:33:42 GMT 2008

Hi Ronnie, Neil:
We have finished investigation on this case. MS-SAMR does not document SidTypeComputer in enum SID_NAME_USE  because the enum value SidTypeComputer =9  is not part of the SAMR protocol. The SAM object model does not distinguish between computer objects and user objects, that is, computers are users.

In case of [MS-LSAT], while enum SidTypeComputer is mentioned in the document, it clearly states that:

The SidTypeInvalid and SidTypeComputer enumeration values are not used in this protocol. Usage information on the remaining enumeration values is specified in section 3.1.1.

Our investigation also concluded that enum SidTypeComputer does not appear on wire for any Windows scenario.

If you see this enum on wire, please feel free to bring it to our attention.


Obaid Farooqi
Sr. SEE | Microsoft

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