[Samba] Samba client doesn't work SMB2 with MAC 0S 10.9.5

Jeremy Allison jra at samba.org
Tue Sep 30 09:55:46 MDT 2014

On Tue, Sep 30, 2014 at 10:16:46AM +0000, Tompkins, Michael wrote:
> Jeremy, we have implemented your updates for to support SMB2 in both 3.6.5 and 4.0.7.
> That is working fine for both, with the exception of MAC OS 10.9..5 servers.

Ah ok - that's information we didn't originally have :-).

So this is actually a custom version of 3.6 then.

> There is a lot of discussion on the web about the problems, and most people talk
> about a workaround to dummy down to SMB1(NT1), which really is not a desirable
> option, especially for FIPS support. Was there a specific fix to so the smbclient
> and the MAC OS 10.9.5 server work together?  That's the information we are looking for.

Easiest thing to do is make your modified 3.6.x source available
(there are others who might want to see that patchset) and then
upload a wireshark trace of the problem. Remember you're asking
for help with a modified (unsupported) smbclient version.

Do the 10.9..5 servers work with the 4.1 client ? If so, then
there's an error in your back-port. If not, then we have a
generic bug we need to fix.

Knowing which is the case would be very valuable :-).



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