[Samba] Samba documentation team

Marc Muehlfeld samba at marc-muehlfeld.de
Sat Mar 22 11:22:34 MDT 2014

Hello Samba developers,
hello active Samba mailing list supporters,
hello *

During the last year I (re-)wrote a lot of HowTos and tried to clean up 
the Wiki in a careful way. But it still contains many outdated, 
unstructured and hidden content. And in the past weeks we had more and 
more complaints and questions about missing documentation, first start 
Howtos, trouble shooting guides, etc.

That's why I had thought about, how we can solve this. My idea is to 
start a Samba documentation team.

So don't let us waste time and meet online in IRC on freenode.net on 
monday, 7pm CET (channel: samba-documentation).

Developers, experienced users and of course everybody else is invited 
who want to help. Let us find a first strategy and who can provide which 
kind of help and knowledge.

Don't let me be the only one in that team! ;-)


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