[Samba] File Locking on Samba & Terminal Server 2008R2

Nick Couchman Nick.Couchman at seakr.com
Tue Jan 7 13:48:02 MST 2014

>> We have a document management system (DMS) where all of our documents are 
> stored and users have either an HTTP interface or a .NET application (that 
> uses HTTP) to download the files from the DMS to the system for viewing.  The 
> DMS allows us to specify what directory these are saved to - for various 
> reasons we're saving them to a Samba server.  The Samba server (3.6.18 on 
> Solaris) has a per-user share defined:
>> [doc_checkout]
>>         path = /storage/doc_checkout/%U
>>         comment = IFS Shared Document Checkout Space
>>         force create mode = 0200
>>         read only = No
>>         inherit permissions = yes
>>         inherit acls = yes
>>         wide links = yes
>>         map archive = no
>>         map readonly = no
>>         vfs objects = zfsacl
>>         nfs4:mode = special
>>         nfs4:acedup = merge
>>         zfsacl:acesort = dontcare
>>         preexec = /storage/doc_checkout/mkdoc.sh %U
>>         postexec = /storage/doc_checkout/cleandoc.sh %U
>>         veto files = /mkdoc.sh/cleandoc.sh/*.lnk/autorun.inf/
>>         csc policy = disable
>>         guest ok = no
>> In certain situations, multiple users on the same terminal server try to 
> view (or check out to edit) the same document from the DMS.  Let's say the 
> document is document1.doc, and usera and userb are the two users trying to 
> open the document.  usera downloads document1.doc, which goes to filesystem 
> as /storage/doc_checkout/usera/document1.doc, but is opened on the file 
> server as \\server\doc_checkout\document1.doc.  userb downloads the same 
> document, which goes to the filesystem as 
> /storage/doc_checkout/userb/document1.doc, but is opened on the file server 
> as \\server\doc_checkout\document1.doc.  In this scenario, one or the other 
> of the users (whomever opened it second/third/etc.) will get an error that 
> "file document1.doc is already in use by usera."  I'm guessing that, because 
> terminal server aggregates the users under a single connection, and because 
> Samba has a single PID opened, and either the document name or the SMB file 
> path (\\server\doc_checkout\document1.doc) is th
>>  e same, Samba or Windows (or both) believe that the file is already locked 
> even though, at the filesystem level, the files are completely different and 
> should have different locks.
>> This scenario looked very similar to ones described several years ago that 
> were fixed by using the "MultiUserEnabled" registry tweak in Windows, which 
> is what I've been trying to chase down, but apparently does not exist in the 
> most recent versions of Windows.  I suppose I ought to try giving up on the 
> fancy per-user share and just have \\server\doc_checkout point to 
> /storage/doc_checkout, and then have the application use the username to 
> figure out the rest of the path, but it isn't quite as simple or elegant to 
> implement that way, from the application perspective.
> smbd uses the dev_t/ino_t pair as an index
> into our file sharing/locking databases.
> Are /storage/doc_checkout/usera/document1.doc
> and /storage/doc_checkout/userb/document1.doc
> actually the same file on the file system ?

No, they are not the same on the filesystem - they are different inodes.

> If not then I'm at a loss as to how they
> can conflict at all, unless you're getting
> a locking/sharing violation from the Windows
> client redirector.

That wouldn't surprise me too much.

> Do you ever see an error message coming back
> from Samba in the wireshark trace ?

I hadn't gone that deep (packet captures) in dealing with this, yet...I'll add it to my list of things to try and see what happens.


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