[Samba] Samba documentation team

Marc Muehlfeld samba at marc-muehlfeld.de
Wed Apr 2 23:28:13 MDT 2014

Am 03.04.2014 00:14, schrieb Jonathan Buzzard:
> How about removing anything to do with setting up a NT4 domain and
> restricting mention of it to migrating from an NT4 domain to an AD domain.

I wouldn't do that. Surely we will have our focus on AD documentation, 
but Samba is still providing the feature for NT4 domains in maintained 
versions. So it should be documented, too.

> In 2014 it is bordering on criminal to be setting a NT4 domain up.
> Microsoft ditched NT4 domains 14 years ago with the release of Windows
> 2000. You need to deploy all sorts of nasty registry hacks to make it
> work on a supported version of Windows (well from next Tuesday) so lets
> consign it to the dustbin of history.

There are many real NT4 servers out there. And they all have a reason, 
why they still exist. And using a maintained Samba version for providing 
the domain is surely the better idea, as it is maintained and security 
issues are fixed.


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