[Samba] Samba4 as AD member & local rights problem...

Marc Muehlfeld samba at marc-muehlfeld.de
Tue Sep 24 15:46:42 MDT 2013

Hello Thomas,

Am 24.09.2013 09:13, schrieb Thomas Besser:
 > Like described here
 > (http://geekyprojects.com/ubuntu/getting-windows-printer-drivers-
 > from-cups/)
 > I enabled 'root' for short and granted the 'SePrintOperator' right
 > to a normal account and switched back to security = ads

I'm not sure if I understand this. Did you took the server out of the 
domain and temporary downgrade it to a standalone server for granting 
the privilege?

Can you make sure, that the privilege was granted to a _domain account_?
# net rpc rights list accounts -Uadministrator

 > Now the next problem arises:
 > I can now upload the win drivers as described in your howto section
 > "Uploading printer drivers for Point'n'Print driver installation"
 > successfully. I can also see the files in the samba drivers share.
 > But I can not associate it with a printer! The dropdown on
 > https://wiki.samba.org/index.php/File:Choose_driver.png is empty!

I haven't had this case yet. Just some questions that may help us to 
find the cause of your problem:

- Do you connect to to the server as the user you granted the 
SePrintOperator permissions to?

- Is the user you granted the permission to is a domain account?

- The account you use to associate the driver with a printer is the same 
than the one you used for uploading the drivers?

- Did the driver upload wizzard runs fine? Or any errors or untypical 

- Can you associate the driver on *nix side by using 'rpcclient'? (see 

- Is the combobox still empty, if you use a domain admin account (grant 
the privilege to first)?


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