[Samba] Copy additional LDAP attributes on migration from ldap

mourik jan heupink heupink at merit.unu.edu
Mon Nov 11 10:47:49 MST 2013

Hi Marc,

> You can simply work around that. After the migration:
> - Configure your openLDAP to listen on a different port than 389
> - Start openLDAP again
> - Write a simple script that loops through all accounts on your DC.
> Inside this loop you retrieve the required attributes of these accounts
> from openLDAP and insert them with ldbmodify to AD.
> - Shutdown openLDAP
> Sounds more difficult than it is. 15 mins and it's done, if you know a
> scripting language.

And you happen to have such a simple script somewhere on your 
harddisk..? :-)

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