[Samba] Samba4 Compile Error

Miguel Medalha miguelmedalha at sapo.pt
Mon Mar 18 16:29:34 MDT 2013

> Definitely update to RHEL 6.4, if possible, and consider working from 
> my samba-4.0.3 backports at: https://github.com/nkadel/samba4repo This 
> is designed to check out all the other needed dependencies, and work 
> from there to build up a local yum repository with all the necessary 
> libtdb, libldb, iniparser, and other dependencies. 

I just had a look at the latest changes you did. I am glad that you 
included a samba.init file.
It was a nice touch.

I used your latest samba.spec to build the packages and I found that 
there are still a few  issues to be solved:


If "%global with_dc 0" is used, the build fails with the following result:

RPM build errors:
     Installed (but unpackaged) file(s) found:

I used the following additions:

%if %with_dc
# ldb libraries built with DC activated
%exclude %{_libdir}/samba/ldb/ildap.so
%exclude %{_libdir}/samba/ldb/ldbsamba_extensions.so


If "%global with_dc 1" is used, the installation of the RPMS in the 
required order gives the following errors:

rpm -Uvh samba-libs-4.0.3-0.6.el6.x86_64.rp
error: Failed dependencies:
         libdfs_server_ad.so()(64bit) is needed by 
         libdfs_server_ad.so(SAMBA_4.0.3)(64bit) is needed by 

rpm -Uvh samba-4.0.3-0.6.el6.x86_64.rpm
error: Failed dependencies:
         libposix_eadb.so()(64bit) is needed by samba-0:4.0.3-0.6.el6.x86_64
         libposix_eadb.so(SAMBA_4.0.3)(64bit) is needed by 

To avoid a dependence nightmare, "samba-libs"and "samba" must be 
installed before "samba-dc-libs" and "samba-dc".
As such, the former two cannot depend on the later to satisfy their 
requirements. Maybe the following should be included
under "LIBS"?

### LIBS
%if %with_dc
%exclude %{_libdir}/samba/libdfs_server_ad.so
%endif # with_dc


I don't really know if some the above files are in fact needed even when 
DC is off, so I did the above configuration experimentally for my own 
use and everything built and installed correctly.

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