[Samba] MS AD Tools

Michael Ray mray at xes-inc.com
Wed Jan 23 17:18:00 MST 2013

Hello all, 

I'm in the process of trying to get Samba4 up and running as AD for my company. It's been a bumpy, but productive road. However, one thing that I'd like clarification on before we go live (which hopefully isn't too far out), is the use of MS Administrative Tools. 

The wiki mentioned using 'Users and Computers'. I have used that successfully; however there are several other things I'd like to use that appear to be missing functionality (e.g. 'Administrative Center' can't find the Active Directory Web Service, 'Users and Computers' can't get the Global Catalog). 

Are these things that have yet to be implemented or perhaps have I botched a configuration script somewhere? 

Thanks much, 
Mike Ray 

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