[Samba] Filename mangling

Bruno Guerreiro bruno.guerreiro at ine.pt
Wed Jun 27 04:02:58 MDT 2012

Hello list,
Im trying to migrate some shares from an old 3.0.14 samba installation 
to a 3.5.10 and run into a mangling issue.
Both systems have mangling method = hash set.
Acessing  \\oldserver\rec\Arquivo\ARQUI~XX points me to 
\\oldserver\rec\Arquivo\Arquivo 2011
In the new server it points me to 
\\newserver\rec\Arquivo\Arquivo2007 . Notice the difference at the 
final directory level.
Also tried with  samba 3.6.5 and the results were similar.
Is there anything else I may be missing?


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