[Samba] samba is failing to save to samba share

Martial Paupe babatoko at gmail.com
Thu Aug 9 10:26:25 MDT 2012


We have a bunch of software that use tmp file -> rename tmp file to
original file name  to save changes append to an existing one.

how it's happen
1. open & modify the original file
2. save file -> the software create tmp file
3. want to rename tmp file to original name -> the software raise an error
4. delete tmp files without any saving

Samba version running is 3.5.6 packaged by Debian stable version.

I've attached log file in which we can see the full transaction from open
to close apps and saving error.

What have seen so far is this following error:

[2012/08/08 14:24:00.595122,  5] smbd/open.c:1684(open_file_ntcreate)
  open_file_ntcreate: attributes missmatch for file 06.
Informatique/test/480E.tmp (24 0) (0100770, 0760)
[2012/08/08 14:24:00.595132,  5] smbd/files.c:497(file_free)
  freed files structure 4787 (0 used)
[2012/08/08 14:24:00.595132,  3] smbd/error.c:80(error_packet_set)
  error packet at smbd/error.c(160) cmd=162 (SMBntcreateX)

I've also attached the output of tertparm

any help are welcome


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