[Samba] wbinfo --> Could not remove gid to sid mapping

markus hansen hansenmarkus at gmx.de
Mon Mar 14 08:50:31 MDT 2011


I am struggeling with some group mapping problem for quite some time ... 

Now i figured out, that a wrong gid<->sig Mapping is stored somewhere:

wbinfo --gid-to-sid=<guid of interest>
--returns-> <wrong sid>

other way round: 
wbinfo --sid-to-gid=<wrong sid>
--returns-> <guid of interest>

So what i want to do is remove this faulty mapping.

Unfortunatly: wbinfo --remove-gid-mapping=<guid of interest>,<wrong sid>

returns: "Could not remove gid to sid mapping"


wbinfo --set-gid-mapping=<guid of interest>,<correct sid>
returns: "<guid of interest>"

any chance to fix this?

Best regards, Markus
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