[Samba] Samba3 to samba4 migration

Amaru Netapshaak postfix_amaru at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 30 19:15:13 MDT 2010

>> Hi,
>> I'm testing samba 4 in my organization. I have a samba3 domain with LDAP backend. I'm trying migrate workstations and 
>> from old samba to samba4. Is this possible?
>> Thanks,
>> Luciano
>> luciano at multitasknet.com.br
>We are in the same situation with large user/group/machine set needed to 
>be ported to the new s4 world. The only solution i can see at the moment 
>would be to dump the contents of the appropriate LDAP sections (it being 
>users/group/machines/etc) into ldif(s) in a format acceptable by s4 and 
>then add them using 
ldbadd (and possbly sync using ldbmodify later on).
>Would it be a 
worthwhile to add "yet another net cmd" utility to allow 
stuff from existing LDAP infrastructure (maybe conceptually 
>simmilar to existing vampire cmd)?




I am in the same boat as well.  I am on a fresh Samba 3.5 / OpenLDAP system and 
I need to get to Samba4.    I have S4-alpha12 running successfully, but I need to
get my accounts migrated. 



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