[Samba] Samba/Winbind 3.4.4 on AIX 5.3 TL 10 does not retrieve ANY User's Secondary Groups

Virgil Ollivier vollivier at gmail.com
Thu Jan 21 05:44:26 MST 2010

Hi folks !

Has someone any idea on this issue on AIX 5.3 TL 10 with winbind ?
I'm really stuck now ...

I think everything is working pretty well with WINBIND and AD 2k3 ,
but not my most important point : I absolutely need the Secondary groups of
each AD user which get connected to the AIX to use this filter with sudo...
I only get Primary Group (which is by default "Domain Users" )

I'll try to be as clear as possible to explain you what are all the
relationships between WINBIND & Active Directory & SUDO, and show you a
"working" example (on Linux).

1 . Active Directory :
  Installed Version : Win2003 R1 SP2 without SFU because :
  we do not have the right to use them on this architecture - this is
related to another soft above the AD,
  which is used to do the user's provisionning -

   - We only modified the schema directory to have the sudoers manage by the
AD :
     from : http://www.gratisoft.us/sudo/readme_ldap.html

If using an Active Directory server, copy schema.ActiveDirectory
to your Windows domain controller and run the following command:

    ldifde -i -f schema.ActiveDirectory -c dc=X dc=example,dc=com


   - All users (Windows / Unix) are created by the "AD's way" : everybody is
"Domain Users" as a primary group, then have a variable number of secondary
groups (at least one). This one is giving all "necessary privileges" either
to access Windows or Unix systems/apps . But for Unix, a sec. group is used
for the sudo's privilege elevation too.

   - And on ALL Unix/Linux machines is installed Winbind & and configured.

  Installed packages :
  pware53.base.rte   COMMITTED  pWare base for 5.3
  pware53.bdb.rte   COMMITTED  Berkeley DB 4.6.21
  pware53.cyrus-sasl.rte  COMMITTED  cyrus-sasl 2.1.22
  pware53.gettext.rte  COMMITTED  GNU gettext 0.17
  pware53.krb5.rte   COMMITTED  MIT Kerberos 1.6.3
  pware53.libiconv.rte  COMMITTED  GNU libiconv 1.13.1
  pware53.ncurses.rte  COMMITTED  ncurses
  pware53.openldap.rte  COMMITTED  OpenLDAP 2.4.19
  pware53.openssl.rte  COMMITTED  OpenSSL 0.9.8j
  pware53.popt.rte  COMMITTED  popt 1.10.4
  pware53.readline.rte  COMMITTED  GNU readline 6.1
  pware53.samba.rte  COMMITTED  Samba 3.4.4
  pware53.sudo.rte   COMMITTED  sudo 1.7.2p1
  pware53.zlib.rte   COMMITTED  zlib 1.2.3

  Here is the smb.conf :

        workgroup = PEPS
        realm = PEPS.LOCAL
        server string = PEPS Security IAM
        security = ads
;   use kerberos keytab = true
        load printers = no
        log file = /var/log/samba/%m.log
        client use spnego = yes
        max log size = 50
        log level = 5
        socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192
        password server = PEPSDC1.PEPS.LOCAL PEPSDC2.PEPS.LOCAL
        idmap backend = rid:PEPS=10000-20000
        idmap uid = 10000 - 20000
        idmap gid = 10000 - 20000
        winbind enum users = yes
        winbind enum groups = yes
        winbind cache time = 10
        winbind nested groups = yes
;   winbind separator = +
        winbind use default domain = yes
        allow trusted domains = no
        template shell = /bin/ksh
        dns proxy = no
        preferred master = no
        encrypt passwords = yes
        auth methods = winbind
        winbind refresh tickets = true
        winbind expand groups = 8

3 . SUDO :
   - In the AD's sudoers OU, we have all sec. groups configured with the
good privileges (authorized commands / hosts / noexec ...)
   - sudo is looking for a secondary group (with a ldap query) to match.

Here is the Linux example :

[pepsrh5.peps.local:test:/home/PEPS/test:] id
uid=11137(test) gid=10513(Domain Users) groups=10512(Domain
Admins),10513(Domain Users),10518(Schema Admins),10519(Enterprise

[pepsrh5.peps.local:test:/home/PEPS/test:] groups
Domain Users Domain Admins Schema Admins Enterprise Admins ghba8 unix adminL

[pepsrh5.peps.local:test:/home/PEPS/test:] sudo su -
LDAP Config Summary
uri              ldaps://pepsdc1.peps.local/ ldaps://pepsdc2.peps.local/
ldap_version     3
sudoers_base     ou=SUDOers,dc=peps,dc=local
binddn           <bind user>
bindpw           <bind user pwd>
bind_timelimit   3000
timelimit        3
ssl              yes
tls_checkpeer    (no)
tls_cacertdir    /etc/openldap/cacerts/
sudo: ldap_initialize(ld, ldaps://pepsdc1.peps.local/
sudo: ldap_set_option: debug -> 0
sudo: ldap_set_option: ldap_version -> 3
sudo: ldap_set_option: tls_checkpeer -> 0
sudo: ldap_set_option: tls_cacertdir -> /etc/openldap/cacerts/
sudo: ldap_set_option: timelimit -> 3
sudo: ldap_set_option(LDAP_OPT_NETWORK_TIMEOUT, 3)

sudo: ldap_set_option(LDAP_OPT_X_TLS, LDAP_OPT_X_TLS_HARD)

sudo: ldap_sasl_bind_s() ok
sudo: found:CN=defaults,OU=SUDOers,DC=peps,DC=local
sudo: ldap sudoOption: 'timestamp_timeout=0'
sudo: ldap sudoOption: 'loglinelen=0'
sudo: ldap sudoOption: 'syslog_badpri=alert'
sudo: ldap sudoOption: 'syslog=local2'
sudo: ldap sudoOption: 'syslog_goodpri=alert'
sudo: ldap sudoOption: '!env_reset'
sudo: ldap sudoOption: 'log_year'
sudo: ldap sudoOption: 'log_host'
sudo: ldap sudoOption: 'insults'
sudo: ldap sudoOption: 'logfile=/var/log/sudo.log'
sudo: ldap search '(|(sudoUser=test)(sudoUser=%Domain

sudo: found:CN=ghba8,OU=SUDOers,DC=peps,DC=local     <-- here we can see
that the user has been found into the sec. group ghba8

<-- here below there are the matching sudo authorized privileges [...] -->
sudo: ldap sudoHost 'ALL' ... MATCH!
sudo: ldap sudoCommand 'ALL' ... MATCH!
sudo: Command allowed
sudo: ldap sudoOption: 'authenticate'
sudo: user_matches=1
sudo: host_matches=1
sudo: sudo_ldap_lookup(0)=0x02
Password: <user test password>

[root at pepsrh5 ~]#

Here is the AIX example :

[pepsaix53.peps.local:test:/home/PEPS/test:] id
uid=11137(test) gid=10513(domain users)

[pepsaix53.peps.local:test:/home/PEPS/test:] groups

domain users

[pepsaix53.peps.local:test:/home/PEPS/test:] lsuser -R WINBIND test
test id=11137 pgrp=domain users home=/home/PEPS/test shell=/bin/ksh gecos=
registry=WINBIND roles= id=11137 pgrp=domain users home=/home/PEPS/test
shell=/bin/ksh pgid=10513 gecos= shell=/bin/ksh pgrp=domain users

[pepsaix53.peps.local:test:/home/PEPS/test:] sudo su -
LDAP Config Summary
uri              ldaps://pepsdc1.peps.local/ ldaps://pepsdc2.peps.local/
ldap_version     3
sudoers_base     ou=SUDOers,dc=peps,dc=local
binddn           <bind user>
bindpw           <bind user pwd>
bind_timelimit   3000
timelimit        3
ssl              yes
tls_checkpeer    (no)
tls_cacertdir    /etc/openldap/cacerts/
sudo: ldap_initialize(ld, ldaps://pepsdc1.peps.local/
sudo: ldap_set_option: debug -> 0
sudo: ldap_set_option: ldap_version -> 3
sudo: ldap_set_option: tls_checkpeer -> 0
sudo: ldap_set_option: tls_cacertdir -> /etc/openldap/cacerts/
sudo: ldap_set_option: timelimit -> 3
sudo: ldap_set_option(LDAP_OPT_NETWORK_TIMEOUT, 3)

sudo: ldap_set_option(LDAP_OPT_X_TLS, LDAP_OPT_X_TLS_HARD)

sudo: ldap_sasl_bind_s() ok
sudo: found:CN=defaults,OU=SUDOers,DC=peps,DC=local
sudo: ldap sudoOption: 'timestamp_timeout=0'
sudo: ldap sudoOption: 'loglinelen=0'
sudo: ldap sudoOption: 'syslog_badpri=alert'
sudo: ldap sudoOption: 'syslog=local2'
sudo: ldap sudoOption: 'syslog_goodpri=alert'
sudo: ldap sudoOption: '!env_reset'
sudo: ldap sudoOption: 'log_year'
sudo: ldap sudoOption: 'log_host'
sudo: ldap sudoOption: 'insults'
sudo: ldap sudoOption: 'logfile=/var/log/sudo.log'
sudo: ldap search '(|(sudoUser=test)(sudoUser=%domain users)(sudoUser=ALL))'

sudo: ldap search 'sudoUser=+*'
sudo: user_matches=0
sudo: host_matches=0
sudo: sudo_ldap_lookup(0)=0x60
Password: <user test password>
test is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.

4 . Traces :

4.1 when user test ran '[pepsaix53.peps.local:test:/home/PEPS/test:] id'
command winbindd -SFi -d 3 gives  :
[180298]: request interface version
[180298]: request location of privileged pipe
[180298]: getpwuid 11147
[233722]: uid to sid 11147
[233722]: lookupsid S-1-5-21-1911926800-2589015463-1641127959-1147
ads: fetch sequence_number for PEPS
get_dc_list: preferred server list: "pepsdc1.peps.local, PEPSDC1.PEPS.LOCAL
Successfully contacted LDAP server
get_dc_list: preferred server list: "pepsdc1.peps.local, PEPSDC1.PEPS.LOCAL
get_dc_list: preferred server list: "pepsdc1.peps.local, PEPSDC1.PEPS.LOCAL
get_dc_list: preferred server list: "pepsdc1.peps.local, PEPSDC1.PEPS.LOCAL
Successfully contacted LDAP server
get_dc_list: preferred server list: "pepsdc1.peps.local, PEPSDC1.PEPS.LOCAL
get_dc_list: preferred server list: "pepsdc1.peps.local, PEPSDC1.PEPS.LOCAL
Successfully contacted LDAP server
Connected to LDAP server pepsdc1.peps.local
ads_sasl_spnego_bind: got OID=1.2.840.48018.1.2.2
ads_sasl_spnego_bind: got OID=1.2.840.113554.1.2.2
ads_sasl_spnego_bind: got OID=1.2.840.113554.
ads_sasl_spnego_bind: got OID=
ads_sasl_spnego_bind: got server principal name = pepsdc1$@PEPS.LOCAL
ads_krb5_mk_req: krb5_cc_get_principal failed (No credentials cache found)
ads_cleanup_expired_creds: Ticket in ccache[MEMORY:winbind_ccache]
expiration Thu, 21 Jan 2010 14:31:43 CET
ads_krb5_mk_req: server marked as OK to delegate to, building forwardable
ads: query_user
[233722]: sid to uid S-1-5-21-1911926800-2589015463-1641127959-1147
[233722]: sid to gid S-1-5-21-1911926800-2589015463-1641127959-513
[180298]: getgrgid 10513
[233722]: gid 10513 to sid
[233722]: lookupsid S-1-5-21-1911926800-2589015463-1641127959-513
sid_to_name [rpc] S-1-5-21-1911926800-2589015463-1641127959-513 for domain
connection_ok: Connection to pepsdc1.peps.local for domain PEPS has died or
was never started (fd == -1)
Doing spnego session setup (blob length=107)
got OID=1.2.840.48018.1.2.2
got OID=1.2.840.113554.1.2.2
got OID=1.2.840.113554.
got OID=
got principal=pepsdc1$@PEPS.LOCAL
Doing kerberos session setup
ads_cleanup_expired_creds: Ticket in ccache[MEMORY:cliconnect] expiration
Thu, 21 Jan 2010 14:31:43 CET
ads_krb5_mk_req: server marked as OK to delegate to, building forwardable
Connecting to at port 135
Connecting to at port 1025
[233722]: sid to gid S-1-5-21-1911926800-2589015463-1641127959-513
get_dc_list: preferred server list: "pepsdc1.peps.local, PEPSDC1.PEPS.LOCAL
Successfully contacted LDAP server
get_dc_list: preferred server list: "pepsdc1.peps.local, PEPSDC1.PEPS.LOCAL
get_dc_list: preferred server list: "pepsdc1.peps.local, PEPSDC1.PEPS.LOCAL
get_dc_list: preferred server list: "pepsdc1.peps.local, PEPSDC1.PEPS.LOCAL
Successfully contacted LDAP server
get_dc_list: preferred server list: "pepsdc1.peps.local, PEPSDC1.PEPS.LOCAL
get_dc_list: preferred server list: "pepsdc1.peps.local, PEPSDC1.PEPS.LOCAL
Successfully contacted LDAP server
Connected to LDAP server pepsdc1.peps.local
ads_sasl_spnego_bind: got OID=1.2.840.48018.1.2.2
ads_sasl_spnego_bind: got OID=1.2.840.113554.1.2.2
ads_sasl_spnego_bind: got OID=1.2.840.113554.
ads_sasl_spnego_bind: got OID=
ads_sasl_spnego_bind: got server principal name = pepsdc1$@PEPS.LOCAL
ads_krb5_mk_req: krb5_cc_get_principal failed (No credentials cache found)
ads_cleanup_expired_creds: Ticket in ccache[MEMORY:winbind_ccache]
expiration Thu, 21 Jan 2010 14:31:43 CET
ads_krb5_mk_req: server marked as OK to delegate to, building forwardable
Connecting to at port 135
Connecting to at port 1025
ads lookup_groupmem for sid=S-1-5-21-1911926800-2589015463-1641127959-513
[180298]: getgrgid 10513
[233722]: gid 10513 to sid
[233722]: lookupsid S-1-5-21-1911926800-2589015463-1641127959-513
[233722]: sid to gid S-1-5-21-1911926800-2589015463-1641127959-513

results :
[pepsaix53.peps.local:test:/home/PEPS/test:] id
uid=11147(test) gid=10513(domain users)

4.2 . when user test run '[pepsaix53.peps.local:test:/home/PEPS/test:] id
test' command winbindd -SFi -d 3 gives  :
[323810]: request interface version
[323810]: request location of privileged pipe
[323810]: getpwnam test
[233726]: lookupname PEPS\test
[233726]: lookupsid S-1-5-21-1911926800-2589015463-1641127959-1147
[233726]: sid to uid S-1-5-21-1911926800-2589015463-1641127959-1147
[233726]: sid to gid S-1-5-21-1911926800-2589015463-1641127959-513
[323810]: getgrgid 10513
[233726]: gid 10513 to sid
[233726]: lookupsid S-1-5-21-1911926800-2589015463-1641127959-513
[233726]: sid to gid S-1-5-21-1911926800-2589015463-1641127959-513
[323810]: getgroups test
[233726]: lookupname PEPS\test
[233726]: getsidaliases
[233726]: getsidaliases
[233726]: getsidaliases
[233726]: sid to gid S-1-5-21-1911926800-2589015463-1641127959-513
[233726]: sid to gid S-1-5-21-1911926800-2589015463-1641127959-1113
[233726]: sid to gid S-1-5-21-1911926800-2589015463-1641127959-1605
[233726]: sid to gid S-1-5-21-1911926800-2589015463-1641127959-1605
[323810]: getgrgid 11113
[233726]: gid 11113 to sid
[233726]: lookupsid S-1-5-21-1911926800-2589015463-1641127959-1113
[233726]: sid to gid S-1-5-21-1911926800-2589015463-1641127959-1113
[323810]: getgrgid 11605
[233726]: gid 11605 to sid
[233726]: lookupsid S-1-5-21-1911926800-2589015463-1641127959-1605
[233726]: sid to gid S-1-5-21-1911926800-2589015463-1641127959-1605

results :
[pepsaix53.peps.local:test:/home/PEPS/test:] id test
uid=11147(test) gid=10513(domain users)

4.3 . when as root we run 'lsuser -R WINBIND test'

[pepsaix53:root:/home/root:] lsuser -R WINBIND test
test id=11147 pgrp=domain users home=/home/PEPS/test shell=/bin/ksh gecos=
login=true su=true rlogin=true daemon=true admin=false sugroups=ALL
admgroups= tpath=nosak ttys=ALL expires=0 auth1=SYSTEM auth2=NONE umask=77
loginretries=5 pwdwarntime=0 account_locked=false minage=1 maxage=13
maxexpired=-1 minalpha=1 minother=1 mindiff=1 maxrepeats=2 minlen=8
histexpire=0 histsize=8 pwdchecks= dictionlist=/usr/share/dict/words
fsize=-1 cpu=-1 data=524288 stack=524288 core=2097151 rss=524288 nofiles=-1
time_last_login=1264076318 time_last_unsuccessful_login=1263895814
tty_last_login=/dev/pts/2 tty_last_unsuccessful_login=ssh
host_last_login= host_last_unsuccessful_login=
unsuccessful_login_count=0 roles= id=11147 pgrp=domain users
home=/home/PEPS/test shell=/bin/ksh pgid=10513 gecos= shell=/bin/ksh
pgrp=domain users SID=S-1-5-21-1911926800-2589015463-1641127959-1147

We have not the "groups=" field ... :/ !

As you could see these are 2 different behaviours ! :D
Maybe it's not due to Winbind or SUDO, but only to AIX... I really don't
know ...

It seems that the sudo ldap query is based on either 'id' or 'lsuser'
commands, or on how AIX stores the user's uid/pgrp/groups into the system,
which I don't know ...

Hoping I was clear enough... if not don't hesitate to tell me.



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