[Samba] PDC directory permission fail

Bino Oetomo bino at indoakses-online.com
Mon Jan 4 18:01:31 MST 2010

Dear All ..
I use webmin to do the samba PDC configuration

The authentication is work well.

I've a problem with share permission, the condition is :
1. I've group named "warehouse"
2. I've user named "wh01", with home dir /home/wh01, and be a group 
member of "warehouse"

Both created via webmin.

3. Next I created share, named "warehouse"

        comment = Files of warehouse
        writeable = yes
        path = /hdd2/samba/groupfiles/warehouse

when I create that share via webmin i use option :
a. mode : 775
b. Create user : Root
c. Create Group : warehouse.

4. From my XP station , I login to that domain with user name "wh01", 
the results is :
a. Successfull login
b. wh01 can create a file in the home directory (/home/wh01)

But, wh01 can not write file to share "warehouse"
why wh01 didn't have enough permission to "warehouse" while :

A. The share is created using group "warehouse", and
B. wh01 IS the group member of "warehouse", and
C. "warehouse" share is set to be available, and browseable.

Kindly please give me any enlightment to fix the problem


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