[Samba] DOS dir command on Samba share

Braxton Neate braxtonn at hitechtooling.com.au
Mon Feb 1 20:37:22 MST 2010


I was wondering if anyone could shed some light on a problem I am having with the DOS DIR command on a SMB share.

I have a batch script that copies files from one mapped network drive to another. To check that the copy has been sucsessful it creates two text files with the output of the command "dir /s <directory> | find "File"" on both directories. 

We have recently upgraded one of the servers from Windows to Samba running on RHEL 5. For some reason now the output of the dir command comes in a different order and the total byte size is different on the samba share than the native Windows share thus breaking the check. All the file appear to by copied correctly though.

I have attached a sample of what happens.
Any help is greatly appreciated. 

Braxton Neate
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