[Samba] (samba ~ shlight): negprot protocols not 0-terminated

Nagy Zoltan kirk at bteam.hu
Sat Nov 28 06:01:58 MST 2009


i'm trying to connect to my samba server from an openbsd system
smbclient works perfectly from the client, but if i try to mount the
share using shlight it refuses the connection and logs:
   negprot protocols not 0-terminated

i was unable to find any occurances of this problem,
i've read that the field should contain the host's name as a zero terminated string.

	samba-3.2  (2:3.2.5-4lenny2)

	sharity-light-1.3p0 userland smbfs --- SMB to NFS protocols converter

Nagy Zoltan (kirk) <kirk at bteam.hu>
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