[Samba] smbcontrol smbd ping also answered by nmbd and winbindd

Michael Weiser M.Weiser at science-computing.de
Tue Jan 6 13:28:22 GMT 2009


with samba-3.0.x an "smbcontrol smbd ping" was answered by all running
smbd processes. With samba-3.2.x it is now *also* answered by nmbd and

[root at cs00 ~]# smbcontrol -V
Version 3.2.5
[root at cs00 ~]# for i in `smbcontrol -t 1 winbindd ping | grep PONG | awk
'{ print $4}'` ; do pstree -p | grep $i ; done
        winbindd(29908) - winbindd(29909)
[root at cs00 ~]# for i in `smbcontrol -t 1 nmbd ping | grep PONG | awk '{
print $4}'` ; do pstree -p | grep $i ; done

[root at cs00 ~]# for i in `smbcontrol -t 1 smbd ping | grep PONG | awk '{
print $4}'` ; do pstree -p | grep $i ; done

(I'm using SerNet RPMs for RHEL4 on an RHEL4u4 machine.)

With 3.0.30 it looked like this:

l1-auto-du:~ # smbcontrol -V
Version 3.0.30-s+c
l1-auto-du:~ # for i in `smbcontrol -t 1 smbd ping | grep PONG | awk '{
print $4}'` ; do pstree -p | grep $i ; done
        |            |-smbd(5681)
        |            `-smbd(6431)

Is this known behaviour? What can be done about it?

Michael Weiser                science + computing ag
Senior Systems Engineer       Geschaeftsstelle Duesseldorf
                              Martinstrasse 47-55, Haus A
phone: +49 211 302 708 32     D-40223 Duesseldorf
fax:   +49 211 302 708 50     www.science-computing.de
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