[Samba] NetBIOS name resolution from Linux

Chris Smith smb23 at realcomputerguy.com
Fri May 16 15:27:32 GMT 2008

A few thoughts, take from them what you will (and remember, free advice 
is worth what you pay for it).

It's really good to have proper IP name resolution. Requires DNS or 
(ugh) hosts files.

It can also be good to have NetBIOS name resolution, if you have the 
need (Windows type browsing and sharing in non-native AD environments). 
Implies WINS or (ugh) lmhosts files for resolution (or you're left only 
with broadcasts).

It's good to avoid security=share, especially if you want to run WINS. 
And yes, a proper setup using security=user can provide guest shares.

Winbind is normally used to authenticate against Windows servers that 
are running WINS or AD, so that you don't need to duplicate the Windows 

You don't mention how big your network is, but if you're dealing with 5 
or more systems I highly suggest both DNS and WINS over their static 
equivalents, hosts and lmhosts, respectively. Even with fewer systems, 
it can be a good idea to bother with the setup if you intend to grow or 
want flexibility.

If you run a WINS server, you need to tell your clients to register with 
it (this is easily done with DHCP - then you don't have to manually 
configure them), or it wont contain their information.


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