[Samba] how to change the Objectclass (machine acc) assigned when joining a new domain

Charlie medievalist at gmail.com
Thu Jun 12 20:20:41 GMT 2008

As long as the samba auxiliary objectClass is on it, and it has the
right uid, you should be able to use any other objectClasses your
schema allows.

However, I strongly recommend you do *not* use inetOrgPerson for
accounts that do not represent "a person who works for an
internetworked organization".

I believe that inetOrgPerson should only be used for actual human
people since that's what it was designed for.


On Mon, Jun 2, 2008 at 4:48 AM, Cristian Laufer
<Laufer at uni-koblenz-landau.de> wrote:
> is there a possibility of changing the standard Objectclass, assigned when
> adding a new machine account (ldapsam: editposix) or joining a domain under
> windows.
> Currently the structural Objectclass "account" ist used, but we would to
> like to use "inetOrgPerson" instead.
> Thank you for your help
> Cristian Laufer

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