[Samba] LDAP problem

Tanguy Léost tanguy.leost at free.fr
Mon Jan 7 01:04:14 GMT 2008

le 07.01.2008 01:53  Quinn Fissler ecrivait :
> definitely get a look at the network dialogue....

Yes i thought about that. Sometimes in the logs I get
errors about the network ("getpeername" errors, and
a french error messages which would probably stand
for "final node is not connected")

But the network does look ok (except this pdc problem)

> How do your Windows clients resolve the address of the pdc?

They resolve it correctly.

>     I forgot to mention something weird:
>     sometimes (maybe one time out of 10 or 15...) the PDC grants
>     me access to the domain. I can open a windows session, or have
>     access to a share on the PDC from my windows session.
>     ...Keeps me even more confused.

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