[Samba] Altered behavior in 3.0.25 and 3.0.24-gc-1

Gerald (Jerry) Carter jerry at samba.org
Mon May 21 17:31:57 GMT 2007

Hash: SHA1

Jean-Jacques Moulis wrote:
> By mistake or by design membership in a Windows Primary Group seems to be mandatory!
> We are using printservers configured as member servers of Samba domains.
> with the following configuration
>         security = DOMAIN
>         password server = PDC
>         encrypt passwords = yes
>         map to guest = Bad Password
> The Samba PDCs use plain smbpasswd files.
> Since upgrading to 3.0.25 and regressing to 3.0.24-gc-1 some users couldn't
> print (strange considering map to guest = Bad Password)
> they got an  NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL in log files and were refused printing.
> The common denominator for users with print problems was 
> the lack of mapping from their GID to a SID
> net groupmap add ntgroup="A new group" unixgroup=gidgroupname
> solved the problem but it took a while to find out :-)

Please test the gc-2 snapshot.  This might be related to
the regression from the CVE-2007-2444 patch.

cheers, jerry
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