[Samba]Permission issue

TSZ tenroh at o2.pl
Sat Jul 1 22:29:04 GMT 2006

Doug VanLeuven napisał(a):

> From man chmod:
>       When  the sticky bit is set on a directory, files in that 
> directory may
>       be unlinked or renamed only by root or their owner.  Without the 
> sticky
>       bit,  anyone able to write to the directory can delete or rename 
> files.
>       The sticky bit is commonly found on directories, such as /tmp, 
> that are
>       world-writable.
> What this means is the sticky bit has to be set on the parent 
> directory, which in your case is the directory being shared.
> Regards, Doug
Thank you, now I understand the rules. All the time I have been 
thinking, that "sticky bit" should be inherited by the files created in 
folder with "sticky bit".

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