[Samba] How do I create the samba user

david rankin drankin at cox-internet.com
Tue Jan 24 22:39:31 GMT 2006

From: "Adam Nielsen" <adam.nielsen at uq.edu.au>
>> [2006/01/23 23:05:46, 1] smbd/service.c:make_connection_snum(415)
>>   Couldn't find user samba
> Usually I would've though that this would only happen when you connect
> as a guest - there's a 'map to guest' option that lets you change the
> user Samba uses, I usually set it to 'nobody'.
> As an alternative you could just create the Samba user, but rather than
> choosing a difficult password just make it so the user can't log in,
> like the user 'nobody'.

If your adding a new user, why not  (as root):

(1) useradd username
(2) passwd username
(type the password)
(3) smbpasswd -a username
(type same password)

If you already have the unix account for the user, just do step (3) above, 
then samba will be happy. Also, if you use the same username/password in 
windows, authentication is automatic..

David C. Rankin, J.D., P.E.
510 Ochiltree Street
Nacogdoches, Texas 75961
(936) 715-9333
(936) 715-9339 fax

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