[Samba] Windows Explorer hangs when clicking on a samba share

samba at scheeder.de samba at scheeder.de
Tue Aug 8 08:31:11 GMT 2006

tacallah at insb.uscourts.gov schrieb:

>Hi Miguel!
>I set the debug level to 10, and nothing is really jumping out at me. 
>After further investigation, I found out that samba drive comes up fine in 
>Windows 2000.  The problem seems to be with Windows XP.  I can go to the 
>DOS prompt and pull up files on the samba drive with no problems.  The 
>hanging only occurs when I click on the samba drive in Windows Explorer on 
>my XP workstation.  Do you have any ideas?
>It seems Windows Explorer is trying to refresh (or something like this) 
>the content of the Samba drive.
>Try to check the Samba logs to see if there's something useful there.
this is normal behavior of XP-Explorer if you have enabled 
pop-up-information for files and folders in XP,
if you open a share the first time, xp explorer looks in each directory 
and every file in the top level of the
share an counts the number of files and bytes in that dir to be able to 
give you this info on moving the mouse
over this file/dir.
if there are big dir's/files and/or a slow network, this may take long 

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