[Samba] Re: Wintertime/summertime difference - Samba servers show wrong time ?

Dragan Krnic dkrnic at lycos.com
Sat Nov 5 15:24:06 GMT 2005

>> The way it works now in the sources, Samba goes out of its way
>> to force Windows clients to see the file times the way Unix and
>> other more mature systems see them. If a file was modified at
>> noon 12:00:00 of any day, it shows 12:00:00 always, regardless
>> of the date on which it was modified or the date on which one
>> is beholding it. Samba does it by subtracting from the real GMT
>> in the timestamps the difference between "TimeDiff(timestamp)"
>> and "get_serverzone()", which means that it fakes the timestamp
>> GMT in such a way that Windows still see the right time and not
>> the wrong Windows time, which is actually what everybody wants
>> to see, so that pacemakers don't stop and rod injectors don't melt.
> If anyone is relying on date & timestamps under Windows (or
> even using any general-purpose OS!) for such safety-critical
> things as pacemakers and nuclear reactors, then we have a
> much bigger problem ;-)

We do. You'd be surprised to learn that a GPOS is BEING used in one 
of those environments I facetiously mentioned and is certified for 
that by the same organisation that certifies roll-worthiness of 
road vehicles among other things. But the point is that we are oft
in a "2b || !2b" dilemma when 2 different worldviews interface in
public. Safety of the public should trump up esthetic objections,
even sense of right and wrong.

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