[Samba] Giving local and domain user access to shares

Gary Dale garydale at torfree.net
Tue Nov 1 20:09:14 GMT 2005

Adam Engel wrote:

> All,
> I have to give a user access to a samba share that isn't a member of 
> our domain.  I need to keep the permissions the same, but still allow 
> this user to access and change the share.
> I have added the user to the computer for samba, but I am unable to 
> create the group locally that owns the files. Right now a domain group 
> owns the files, but I would like to add a local group of the same name 
> and make this user a member of the group.
> Is it possible to create a local samba account for a user and allow 
> them access to a share?
> Thanks In Advance,
> Adam

Sound like a job for ACLs. I don't think Unix-style permissions will 
handle what you want - which is for two groups to own the share.

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