[Samba] Strange Konqueror behaviow with samba share

Christof Hurschler list.hurschler at gmx.de
Wed May 18 09:43:41 GMT 2005

I have a samba share mounted as

//$	/mnt/USERNAME	smbfs	fmask=6770,dmask=6770,uid=USERNAME,gid=USERNAME,credentials=/etc/cred,workgroup=WORKGROUG,iocharset=iso8859-1	0	0

As USERNAME in Konqueror (KDE 3.3.2) I can create a directory, but not
delete it which is very annoying.  Creating and deleting directories in
console works fine, but only after closing Konqueror.  Anyone using KDE with
samba shares know what could be causeing this behavior?

ii  libsmbclient   3.0.14a-1      shared library that allows applications to
ii  smbclient      3.0.14a-1      a LanManager-like simple client for Unix
ii  smbfs          3.0.14a-1      mount and umount commands for the smbfs
rc  tksmb          0.8.8-6        SMB (Samba and Windows) network browser

Thanks in advance,


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