[Samba] Samba topology question

George Farris farrisg at mala.bc.ca
Tue Jul 5 21:46:09 GMT 2005

On Tue, 2005-07-05 at 16:35 -0400, Adam Tauno Williams wrote:
> > >From reading I'm thinking samba should be configured with LDAP, Kerberos
> > and windbind but there is **so* much documentation on the net and it all
> > talks about various different scenarios, it's very confusing.
> > All I nee is a top level view and then I should be able to configure the
> > stuff lower down, I hope:-)
> You need to look at the *OFFICIAL* Samba HOWTO and 'by example' texts.
> And only those texts,  disregard everything else.
> It sounds like you want to create a local domain (possibly with an LDAP
> SAM) and establish a trust relationship between your 'local' domain and
> the central ADS domain.  This is covered in the aforementioned
> documentation.

Thanks.  I believe I can configure Samba properly as I've used it for
years and have a samba server with ldap running.  The information I lack
is the top level integration stuff.

If I have a remote domain (WIN200x ADS) called DOM1, I'm assuming I
should have my Samba server also be part of DOM1 and not have a separate
domain such as DOM2?  I want users who have accounts on DOM1 to be able
to login with the local workstation but also have local Samba accounts
that workstation users can log in to.

If I do have a separate domain (DOM2) and establish a trust relationship
can users who only have accounts on DOM1 still login, something in me
says no.

George Farris   farrisg at mala.bc.ca
Malaspina University-College

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