[Samba] Samba topology question

George Farris farrisg at mala.bc.ca
Tue Jul 5 15:36:39 GMT 2005

Hi all,

I've been reading docs and am a little confused.  I'm in an organization
that uses ADS and I am in a remote location.  I want to configure a
member samba server that can authenticate with ADS, also have local
accounts and see shares all the way around.  

So I want to configure a Samba server that will allow students with
accounts on ADS which is remote from our location (we are a satellite
campus) to be able to login from Windows workstations in our lab and
have access to their shares.  

I also want to be able to create local student accounts on the Samba
server and authenticate locally with local shares.  Accounts should be
reachable from a Linux as well as Windows workstations.

It would be nice to be able to see our Samba server from the remote
network that has the ADS server on it and access the shares.

>From reading I'm thinking samba should be configured with LDAP, Kerberos
and windbind but there is **so* much documentation on the net and it all
talks about various different scenarios, it's very confusing.

All I nee is a top level view and then I should be able to configure the
stuff lower down, I hope:-)

All help appreciated.

George Farris   farrisg at mala.bc.ca
Malaspina University-College

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