[Samba] Samba Compile Error on 3.0.7 and 3.0.8 Pre 1 on X64 Fedora

Bent Vangli vangli at online.no
Mon Jul 4 20:49:17 GMT 2005


Exact same error occures on a dual AMD64 Fedora Core 3 64 bit with samba 3.0.20Pre1. However, I have discovered taht putting the compile option "-m32" in the C compiler flags, which force 32 bit compilation, the error doesn't happen. The sad part of the story is that compilation crash later in the process.

It may be a compilatotor/linker error when assembler code is created, but it may as well be some some 32/64 bit spesific code creating this odd stuff. The generated assemblercode is deleted before I could investigate it, and I haven't the knowledge of how to keep it.

A medicine to this problem should be found, and I am sure it exists because a samba 3.10.x rpm compiled for Fedora Core 3 64 bit is in existence. Sadly, I havent' been able to find those settings. Maybe someone knows?

with best regards Bent Vangli

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