[Samba] Samba 3.0.11 smbd hangs

Jens Strohschnitter suse-linux at rwz.de
Tue Feb 22 10:41:17 GMT 2005

> Hi Guys,
> I have experienced an issue when the smbd stops responding, and after cannot 
> kill the process, using SIGTERM or SIGKILL. A reboot cured the problem. I 
> had the same problem once again a couple of days later. I realised that both 
> times I had changed my smb.conf file directly, using vi, and shortly before 
> the hang occured. The changes to the file were very minor, and the two were 
> different options. Nothing appeared in the log, but my logging level is very 
> low. Both times a reboot cured the problem.
> Now here is my problem - the version of samba was tested before going live, 
> but the problem was not picked ip, but now it is in a production 
> environment, which I cannot disrupt until the last person goes home. I guess 
> I what I am asking is what can you guys suggest I try in the small window i 
> have to test it, to gather enough information for you to diagnose where the 
> problem lies, if indeed it is related to the modified smd.conf. I will turn 
> the logging level up to 10, but will have to stop samba first, so hopefully 
> editing the smb.conf shouldn't cause a problem then.
> The server is a dual Zeon with Suse 9.0 kernel 2.4.21-273-smp4g with yast 
> updates and samba 3.0.11.
> BTW, what is the actually policy for samba to watch for config updates? Is 
> there a polling interval of sorts?
> Thanks in advance for any help,
> Olly 

I have got the sambe problems with my SuSE 9.1 and smb-3.0.11. After installing
the older version (3.0.9) the problem does not appear.
So I wait for a new update (3.0.12 or somehting later) :-)


     Jens Strohschnitter

* http://www.jens-strohschnitter.de *
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		 the heart of the sun

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