[Samba] Re: Accent problem

Cédric MARCOUX cedric at sib.be
Tue Aug 9 11:10:49 GMT 2005

OK works great.

Here is the solution to convert existaing mistwritten file to utf8
I have found a little software that can convert easyly files.


convmv can convert files charset to other charset.
In my case, I have used these commands:

Convmv -r -f iso8859-15 -t utf8 *
This command show you what will append...

This one made the change
Convmv -r -f iso8859-15 -t utf8 * --notest

Carlos Vidal wrote:
>>I just wonder how to setup samba to correctly handling accentued caracter.
>>unix charset = ISO8859-15
>>display charset = ISO8859-15
> The short answer is:
>>dos charset = 850
>>unix charset = UTF8
> The long answer is more complicated and here it goes :-)
> - There is a charset used by the file system to write its directory
> entries, this is the "unix charset".
> - There is a charset used by Win*, and is the one used by Samba to
> send the data over the wire. This is defined with "dos charset".
> - There is a charset used to display the file names on your screen.
> This depends on your shell and graphical environment (if any). In most
> cases it follows your LANG environment variable, but some graphical
> terminals like kterm can have their own charset. This means that your
> file names may be OK in Win* and in the file system, but when you do
> "ls" you see the "?".
> Therefore, proceed with care and don´t panic, check one thing at a
> time until you get a consistent charset all over the way.
> For France I use the setup mentioned above in smb.conf, then the
> following lines in /etc/sysconfig/i18n (in Fedora), this defines the
> default charsets for Linux:
> LANG="fr_FR.UTF-8"
> SUPPORTED="en_US.UTF-8:en_US:en:fr_FR.ISO8859-1:fr_FR:fr"
> SYSFONT="latarcyrheb-sun16"
> Carlos

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