[Samba] Offline folders and XP SP2

Gerald (Jerry) Carter jerry at samba.org
Tue Nov 9 22:43:27 GMT 2004

Hash: SHA1

Graeme Walker wrote:
| Hi All
| Various versions and patches of Samba (2&3) seen this on a
| number of  sites now. XP SP 2 will report a server off
| line, and go offline,  typically after being connected
| to a network for 1-2 mins. Mainly all  sites running Mandrake
| Linux 9.2 or 10.0 with default shipping Samba.
| Removing off line folders or SP2 solves the problem. There
| is no  bandwidth or networking issues.
| I have tried to upgrade a site or 2 to the latest
| updates, will monitor,  tried searching archives and Google,
| not much luck there.
| Is this a known issue/workaround/....

Since you both reported problems with Samba and XP sp2
open a bug report at bugzilla.samba.org if the problem has
not been resolved?  Thanks.

cheers, jerry
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