[Samba] Samba as AD domain member

Wright, Tim (ANTS) tim.wright at ants.co.uk
Fri Feb 20 14:16:51 GMT 2004


we're running 3.0.1 on Solaris 9 ( with NIS/flat files as the NS ) as a
member server of the AD domain ( via kinit and then net join ).
there's a couple of things we've noticed and I'm not sure if they're just
the way it works or configuration problems:

(1) we assign the gid an uid mappings with idmap in smb.conf and I thought
that winbindd would not assign uid/gids if they already present which
appears not to be the case?

(2) all we are using winbindd for is to give access to file shares ( not for
logging into the unix server with AD account or anything ), and we seem to
have a slight issue in that 
(i) a AD user with no unix account accesses a share and winbindd creates a
unix account fot it and it is gtranted access to the share if  it satisfies
the valid users etc - good
(ii) a AD user with a valid unix account ( with the same username in AD and
NIS ) tries to access a share and sambd now validates the user as
AD\username rather than just username - bad

(3) Occasionally things just seem to stop working and the only way I can
find to fix it is to clear out the lockdir of all tdb files and restart (
symptoms will be things like net status sessions hangs, net groupmap list
hangs, wbinfo -r starts having issues )

(4) The samba stuff is running on a cluster ( active passive with dameons
running on both nodes all the time and just the share configuration failing
over ) - is there any way of ensuring that the tdb files are consistent
between the two ( I saw something on this list about a similar issue with a
backup print server ) - I'm I right in thinking we could set up an ldap
backend to store the tdb information ( if so is this advisable or is it
going to complicate things too much ).



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