[Samba] Perms must traduct to ACL?

Andreu Sanchez tanis at taniz.org
Fri Nov 28 08:25:14 GMT 2003


I posted some days ago and after searching more and more i think the
problem could be fixed patching the kernel with ACL support, am i right?

Here's my problem:

I have a samba server running as a domain member in a windows domain
controlled by a windows nt4 PDC.

Samba has to authenticate users against that nt4 PDC, it works, i also
use winbind to map uid and gid to my linux so i can have the tipically
"Administrador+DOMAIN Domain Users+DOMAIN fileserver/" perms.

All works fine and the only (and terrible) problem is that i can't set
permission to files or folders from a windows, i can't add users to a
file or folder from the security tab under the properties menu and i
have no errors in my log messages. I just get a "access denied" message
in the windows machine.

I tried several smb.conf setups, share scripts and such and several
samba versions, since 2.x to 3.x (included pre versions)

That's the problem.

If somebody wants to help me it will make my life more easy.

Thank you in advance,
| Andreu Sánchez - http://www.taniz.org/ - Clickety-click!          |
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