[Samba] Files corrupted

GG bellinettes at ifrance.com
Sun Nov 23 20:19:30 GMT 2003

Hello everybody,

I transfered from a Windows XP some MP3 to a hard disk used as a Samba 
share (HD in Fat 32, under FreeBsd 5.1).
When in try to listen those Mp3 from Samba, they are all corrupted: 
after fews seconds, the sound stop.
When I listen them from Windows, everything is ok.
I also downlaod files from an FTP directly ton this samba hard disk. 
When I try to unzip them, I have a CRC error.
I download those file to my XP too and when I try to unzip it, no problem.

Do you have any idea of what could I do?

Do I have to put something in smb.conf regardings network or something 
like that?

Thanks in advance for your help.


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