[Samba] Samba 3.0 and Active Directory Authentication

Darius darstout at yahoo.com
Sun Nov 23 01:29:35 GMT 2003

Hello Samba-ers,

Please help.  I have a RedHat 9.0 server using Samba 3.0.  I have a
Windows 2003 machine that is an applications server with Active
Directory (AD) configured.  Two problems that are making my life hell:

(1) I wish to Authenticate into the AD once and use the Samba shares
withour having to log into each share.

(2) Use the shares from the server without alot of "logging in"

I need the security that AD offers. 

Currently,  I have to log into the AD and when I want to use a share I
have to login to the share via Samba too.  I understand that you SHOULD
be able to log into the AD and the shares are "auto-authenticated" too.
 Am I wrong?

I have boiled it down to two areas.  Either you have to configure
windbind to "help" you with the authentication from the Linux side OR
you can set some parameters in SWAT to perform this task. 

Would someone please show me a configuration that actually works or
point me to a website or article that can help. Since Samba 3.0 is so
new,  I really haven't been able to find much on the net. 

Thank you in advance!!!!!



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