Antwort: Re: SV: [Samba] SAMBA 3.0.0 PDC + LDAP - Adding Computer Account - Success!

Stefan.Iven at Stefan.Iven at
Wed Nov 19 11:13:06 GMT 2003

Sorry, I have forgotten, that you need You Net::LDAP for smbldap tools.
You can use RPM or install via perl -MCPAN -e "install Net::LDAP"

>>Hi Patrick!
>>Glad to here, that the thing works. I got the same problem. But the
>>smb.conf always looked like that!
>>So question: which version of the scripts are you using? Can you add
>>Machines "on the fly" from windows? How about the
>Yes, you can,
>with smbldap tools.
>add machine script = /usr/bin/ -w %u
>You have to edit to fit your needs.
>You also can use
>add user script = /usr/sbin/useradd -d /dev/null -g 100 -s /bin/false -M
>then you don't need something like add user script = /usr/sbin/useradd -d
/dev/null -g 100 -s /bin/false -M %u
>Hope this will help.

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