[Samba] Migrating from Samba2.2.8a+LDAP+PDC to Samba3+ldapsam

Gémes Géza geza at kzsdabas.sulinet.hu
Wed Nov 5 21:19:51 GMT 2003

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Sebastián Abate írta:
| Thank you so much for the quick response.
| What option I must configure in the passdb backend parameter of
| smb3.conf? ldapsam or ldapsam_compat? or it's irelevant for that step?
| I'll try your steps and post my comments, thanks again.
| Sebastián Abate
| Telcom Sistemas
| Tel. 4383-1937
| abates at telcomsistemas.com.ar
| www.telcomsistemas.com.ar
| -----Original Message-----
| From: samba-bounces+s_abate=ciudad.com.ar at lists.samba.org
| [mailto:samba-bounces+s_abate=ciudad.com.ar at lists.samba.org] On Behalf
| Of Gémes Géza
| Sent: Miércoles, 05 de Noviembre de 2003 04:53 p.m.
| To: Sebastián Abate
| Cc: samba at lists.samba.org
| Subject: Re: [Samba] Migrating from Samba2.2.8a+LDAP+PDC to
| Samba3+ldapsam

If you do the convertSambaAccount then ldapsam, if you want to stay with
your existing ldap structure (samba-2 schema) then ldapsam_compat. The
later is considered to be a temporary sollution, which could be removed,
from future releases.
Another thing, if you have Win9x clients, and you use by any means the
list of users from your PDC on them, please see bugzilla, bug #532, or
bug #596, and aply the patch you can find there, then rebuild. I had to.

Good Luck Again!

Geza Gemes
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