[Samba] Inefficient Winbind behavior? Not sure if it posted 1 st time.

Gerald (Jerry) Carter jerry at samba.org
Fri May 23 15:19:42 GMT 2003

Hash: SHA1

On Fri, 23 May 2003 SRuth at LANDAM.com wrote:

> Is there a way for me to verify this is happening? Winbindd has been
> running for a few days now, and I just did a netstat and the only
> connections to a DC are to the off-site one, the PDC.

Winbindd will maintain connections as long as possible.  
Restart winbindd and see if it doesn't bind to the BDC.  
My guess is that you joined the domain and imeediately 
started the daemon.  Since this was withing the 15 minutes 
period that winbindd decides it must bind to the PDC, it 
simply kept those connections up as long as possible.

If it still binds to the PDC after restarting, then send 
me a level 10 debug of from winbindd off list and I'll take 
a look at it.  Also include what version you are using (if you 
mentioned it before, I forgot).

cheers, jerry
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