[Samba] more than one workgroup

Vizitiu, Ciprian CVizitiu at gbif.org
Fri May 16 16:33:14 GMT 2003

> ok thanks, thought that was the case.  Works fine but windows 
> cant see the other groups only the first samba one.

If all the WG are on sambas (which in turn are local master browsers) and
there is one domain master browser then you should be able to "question" the
samba domain master browser and this should give you a list of other WG.
Then again: WINS is your best friend in a case like this. Peek at wins.dat.
Look for the records of the WG that you can "see" from the windows machines.
Then check if there are any other records of the same "type" for the other
WGs samba masters; If not, those masters do not register themselves to WINS
so check the smb.confs. 

PS(/2) Oh, I guess/hope you already checked the smb.conf man page about
"remote browse sync"... ;-)

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