[Samba] Joining Samba 3.0 to a "pure" Active Directory

Alexander Skwar lists.ASkwar at email-server.info
Thu Feb 20 11:16:06 GMT 2003

Alexander Skwar schrieb:

> In a previous mail, I've been asked if I already have Kerberos setup and
> tested.  I don't.  How do I test if Kerberos is working correctly for me?

In an off-list mail, someone told me to try

| For test your kerberos
| The command
| Kinit username at DOMAINE.COM
| And your password username

I'm getting this error:

[root at ugkbase samba]# kinit vz6tml at EUROPE.DELPHIAUTO.NET
kinit(v5): Cannot find KDC for requested realm while getting initial

In the ads documentation file of samba at http://tinyurl.com/64gv I read
that I need to configure kerberos first:

| The minimal configuration for krb5.conf is:
| [realms]
|	 kdc = your.kerberos.server
|     }

That's what I did not yet do.

Suppose I've got some Windows clients which are already in the AD -
using these machines, can I figure out the name of the KDC?  If so, how?

Thanks again,

Alexander Skwar
/* When we have more time, we can teach the penguin to say
 * "By your command" or "Activating turbo boost, Michael".
	2.2.16 /usr/src/linux/arch/sparc/prom/sun4prom.c

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