[Samba] Samba printing options

Vizitiu, Ciprian CVizitiu at gbif.org
Mon Apr 7 10:03:01 GMT 2003

> Hello Dezo,
> When you say "printer$" do you really mean "print$"? The 
> feature you want worked for me with Samba 2.2.6 running on 
> AIX and Windows NT clients. But my driver share is called 
> "print$" as recommended in chapter 6 of the 
> Samba-HOWTO-Collection document.

Would you care to elaborate a little more on this? The How-To you're
mentioning is not clear at all about the issue. E.g. The part with the APW
was more than confusing... 

So, if I've somehow get the drivers on the server in that share [print$]
what's the next step to make the client download them? [printer$] share with
path to the installed drivers? Or should the [print$] section have
"printable" in it?

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