[Samba] Logwatch & samba - Anyone???

Paul Cochrane paul at tortc.tuht.scot.nhs.uk
Thu Sep 12 17:01:00 GMT 2002

Is anyone using logwatch to process the samba logs. Mines seems 
to cunningly ignore the samba logs and I THINK I have it enabled!!!

I'm not exactly sure what logwatch would interrogate and report and 
was wondering whether anyone had anything to add.

FYI my logs are stored in /var/log/samba and are named 

Paul Cochrane         |       Tayside Orthopaedic &         |
                      | Rehabilitation Technology Centre    |
=============         |-------------------------------------|
                      | Ninewells Hospital & Med. School    | 
                      | Dundee, Scotland, UK.               |
                      | DD1 9SY.                            |
                      | Phone:  +44 1382 496284             |
                      | Fax:    +44 1382 496322             |
                      | E-Mail: paul at tortc.tuht.scot.nhs.uk |

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