[Samba] utilizing smbpasswd with two user #######URGENT###### #

Wieprecht, Karen M. Karen.Wieprecht at jhuapl.edu
Fri Oct 25 15:25:26 GMT 2002

use the username.map file capabilities

-----Original Message-----
From: SALOME Alexandre [mailto:alexandre.salome at comau.com.br] 
Sent: Friday, October 25, 2002 11:17 AM
To: Samba at Lists. Samba. Org (E-mail)
Cc: SAMBA Karine
Subject: [Samba] utilizing smbpasswd with two user #######URGENT#######


I have a  user in Windows (user_windows = eng.calculo). 
I would like that this user_windows acess the unix (solairs2.6) as a valid
user unix (user_unix=cs02929) 
(this problem is because the admintool only create user with  8 caractheres.

How I can resolve this problem ? 

Alexandre Salomé 
Comau System  _ Sistemas Engenharia 
tel: 0055 031 9944 8646 
fax:0055 031 3529 6533 

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