[Samba] Problems logging onto Samba from Winxp

Josh Hiner jdhiner at hline.org
Mon Oct 21 14:19:01 GMT 2002

Hello. I have a network with a server running Samba 2.2.5. I just recieved a laptop from Compaq with winxp on it. I already have a few winxp boxes on my network connecting to the Samba server just fine so I though setting up this laptop should be a breeze but after I change the required registry entries on this laptop (the "requires sign or seal registry entry to 0") It gives me the error 
"No mapping between account names and security IDs was done"
When I try and get it to join the domain.

The laptop is on the network/can browse the network and reach the internet. All other boxes including my other winxp boxes are logging into the samba server correctly. 

Any ideas on what is going on??

Thanks a lot for any suggestions. If anyone needs any more info just ask.

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