[Samba] VFS and version control?

Trampas Stern tstern at sterntech.com
Tue Oct 8 13:51:01 GMT 2002



I am new to this list and to Samba, as such I had a question or two. 


Basically I would like to create a virtual file system for samba such
that a directory acts like a versioned file system. That is when I write
a file to the directory the file is checked into CVS. Then when I read
the file it checks CVS and gets the latest file. 


I realize that this maybe a very slow database which is OK for my
application. Basically I am looking for a way to version documents for
people who can not handle CVS, thus I could say any file saved to this
directory is versioned.


My question is has someone done this before or does someone know of a
better implementation?




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