[Samba] NFS versus SAMBA

Christian Barth barth at cck.uni-kl.de
Tue May 28 05:50:03 GMT 2002

> Op di 28-05-2002, om 13:16 schreef Francis Adegbile:
> > Hi Guys
> > I have been tasked to produce a paper on why we should use SAMBA
> > instaed of jus bog-standard NFS. Can you direct me to somewhere on
> > your site where the info on this kind of comparison might be readily
> > available.
> I think it is very simple. If you use Windows in your network you HAVE
> to use Samba. If all the computers in the network understand NFS you
> SHOULD NOT use Samba.

One thing to note in this comparison: NFS uses a per host based 
authentisication, samba uses a per user based authentisication. This 
is way NFS has to trust its clients, whiele samba has not. This has a 
couple of effects we you at the university:

The two departments of our institute have a seperate account 
managment, we only agree on ranges of nummeric uids for each 
department: This way we can have a commen NFS shared disk. 

Our central computer department offers unix accounts with disk space 
and printing for everybody. But they surly do not let every linux pc 
of a student give the permission to do a NFS mount. They have to use 


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 \ |     \ |/       | / \ | /  \|/       |/    \|      \|/
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