[Samba] Win98 and Samba

spimark.pma at web.de spimark.pma at web.de
Fri Mar 29 00:25:03 GMT 2002

Hello anybody,

I'm new to the world of samba and have a problem. I have 3 computers in a mini-network, 2 with win98 and one SuSE Linux 7.0. From the win98 computers I can get a link to the Linux computer, can do read/write and everything but... form my linux computer I can't get into the win98 computers. Using smbclient -NL servername I can get a list of the shares. On the other hand in Konqueror (windows shares) I only get the workgroup and nothing else.

What am I doing wrong? Any ideas on what I can try to make it work?

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